Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Carmen Mirandarth

Sooo, back in 2007, we at GirlsDrawinGirls were called upon by the kind folks at The Vader Project to do our take on the classic pop culture icon: the Darth Vader Helmet. Various well-known artists, such as Shag, Biskup, Baseman, and Kozik did their own interpretations on the helmets. So it was a real thrill & honor to be asked to submit one.

After deliberating over what & how to paint this thing, we got a bit frustrated. Luckily we had a few beers, and in a slightly-buzzed, throw-my-hands-up-in-the-air moment, I joked that we put the fearsome lord in drag (this, too, is my answer to MANY things).

"F#ck it! Put a bunch of fruit on his head & call him 'Carmen Mirandarth'! "

So that's exactly what we did.

We rushed over to Michaels, bought a bunch of doo-dads & notions, and went to work. In one night, after some serious glue-gunning, we came up with this:

When unveiled to the girls at the next GDG meeting, one notably commented: "I'm scared."

Little did we know the buzz Carmen Mirandarth created would turn out to be huge. She made a fabulous debut at Comic Con 2007.

Tons of people blogged about her. She got so much press & is currently touring the world! The last place she was exhibited (and probably the LAST place we'd think she'd be) was at a Carnegie art museum!

Now the Vadar Project helmets are going up for auction. With all the buzz our girl has generated, I'm curious to know how she does. I can honestly say it's not the money I care about. I'm getting a bigger kick out of how well she's been received. Disturbing, yes. But in the end, she's making people happy. And hopefully she makes one STAR WARS super fan extra-super-*faaaabulously* happy.


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